Placement test

We want to offer you a place in the language course which best suits your current knowledge of German! 

Because of this, we ask every new student who wishes to start learning German at the levels of A2, B1, B2 or the C1 / DSH preparation course to take the respective placement test. This means, you first have to decide yourself which course you think is suitable for your language skills, and then take the required test at our school. The test will allow us to check whether your knowledge is really adequate to successfully learn German at the level you had chosen for yourself.


If you feel unable to decide for yourself at which level you should take the placement test, we are, of course, happy to assist you.


Important information regarding the placement test:


The fee for the placement test is 10 €. It has to be paid in cash at the start of the test. But the placement test is free of charge, if you have paid the fee for the course for which you have registered in advance, at least 5 days before the placement test is scheduled.


Please do not forget to bring along your passport.


Students, who participate in the placement test at level A 2, are allowed to use their own bilingual dictionary.


Students, who participate in the placement test level B1, B2 or C1, are allowed to use their own monolingual German dictionary.


Next placement test at levels A2, B1, B2 and C1 / DSH preparation:


Monday, 02/03/2020, 12 pm 
(for the courses running 11/03/2020 – 08/05/2020)


You can register online for the placement test you think is most suitable by filling in our placement test registration form. Alternatively, you can simply send an email to Interaktiv e.V. 


Please do not forget to mention at which level you wish to take the placement test.


You do not need to take a placement test if you want to start learning German at level A 1; instead, you are able to register directly online for the course by filling in our registration form and ticking off “A 1”.


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